Monday, July 1, 2013


It has been about 20 days since I last posted. I apologize for that! This summer has been hectic! I have been updating my Facebook page If you would like to stay more up to date!

I was late getting my garden planted, since I had to build new boxes this year. But now-20 days after planting, things are doing well!
I'm going to keep this mostly photo-graphical, as time is still short, I will be sharing my progress.

On the chicken coop and run:
The girls are finally moved in an loving it! AND they have started laying at only 16 weeks! In the past 6 days I have gotten a total of 5 eggs! I think that is great!

I also have progress on my garden beds. I got them planted June 13. VERY late this year! But the last week we have been getting some nice rain, and they seem to be catching up!  I have 4 beds, that I've mentally numbered. 1-4 and I drew a little map so I know what I planted where. 

 This is Bed #1 on June 20, and on the 30th
 This is bed #2 on June 20 & 30th.


This is bed #3 On June 20 & 30th.

AND This is bed #4 on June 20 & 30th.

What a difference a little rain can make in 10 days! 

I hope you all are having a nice summer! Enjoy!