Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sweet Potato Starters

I have a box of "seed" sweet potatoes that my grandpa gave me 2 years ago, that I forgot to plant last year. They were kept nice and dry in their box, in my laundry room, so they also had a nice steady temperature. 
So when I found them again this year, I left the box open a bit and they have started to grow roots.
One of my VERY strange looking "seed" potatoes, growing roots.
 Now I need to be sure to plant them, and I want to be sure to do it right...so it's RESEARCH time...
I don't know...YET
So off to Google I went and searched it out...
I found numerous postings about growing sweet potatoes, and various blogs about the subject...One blog in particular put it in a way that I think I can handle it! It was called outlawgarden.com
Their posting on how to grow your own sweet potatoes was very educational.

Basically what I learned about how to start your own sweet potato slips is this...
  1. Take an organic sweet potato (or one you have
    previously grown) and cut it in half.
  2. Submerge about 1 inch of the sweet potato in water
  3. Set the container with your potatoes near a window and wait
    ...keep enough water in it of course.
  4. They say after 4-6 weeks, you will have tiny little sweet potato plants growing off of your parent plant. 
  5. Snap the new plants off the parent plant where they meet. If any of your new slips do not have roots, soak them in some water until they have some roots. When they
    do have roots,just plant them.*
*it is best to wait until  after risk of frost and the ground warms up, if you need to, plant your slips into small pots, and keep moist until that time comes.

So now I will go do this with my sweet potatoes that I have, and I will let you know how it turns out! 
I also need to get my seed potatoes started, so I will jump on that today too!
My seed potatoes in their water. I will let you know how they turn out!

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