Friday, March 22, 2013

Shopping for Pots, and a Little Surprise

Today, it is still cold outside, but the sun is shining. So I, still being ever so eager for spring, went shopping for a couple more large terra-cotta pots to put on my  back porch. I bought 2 more 26" pots, and was tempted to get a third, but I decided to wait for 2 reasons...
  1. To see if I have a NEED for another pot,
  2. Wait for another 40% off coupon to use toward the purchase. (I got 40% off of 1 of the 2 I bought today, so that was nice!) 
While I was unloading my car and placing the new pots on the porch, I also decided to check on my winter sown plants to see if there was any change since I'd started them.

Here are my winter sown planters. I honestly do not know if they will work or not, any growth at all will be a success in my book since it was my first year, AND I was late starting...But since winter seems to be hanging around, that may not be an issue.

So I stood there and took the lids off of every one of those little cloudy containers, and peeked inside them. I must have looked rather silly, but for me, I was engrossed in the activity. I was starting to be discouraged, seeing no change in most containers, save 3, the collard greens...
In all 3 of my containers with the collards in them, I saw this! HOW EXCITING! I feel like spring is just around the corner, even if the weatherman IS tracking another winter storm for this weekend!


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