Monday, March 25, 2013

Snow Snow and More Snow = Procrastination

According to my local seed store owner, I need to get my potatoes planted on Friday this week. I am very good at procrastination (as in right now I SHOULD be doing research for a speech. lol) But in this instance, I do not have the containers to plant my potatoes in, or the soil, NOR have I even prepped the seed potatoes to be planted.
Add to all my procrastination, we just got about 4 inches of snow last night! SNOW! I am so tired of snow! The chicks have made it through 2 cold winter-like nights in their interim chicken coop, so I feel good about that work I did on Saturday. Now they have plenty of room to run around and grow stronger. I had also planned on planting 20 strawberry plants on Saturday, but with the weather forecasting snow, and my 2 nephews here for the day, I decided to wait.
We didn't even get the new coop started! This weekend was a fairly lazy weekend in the garden! I can't wait for the weather to warm up some more!


So I decided to continue my research on planting potatoes in the containers, and I came up with this video in my search. He gives a lot of good information on planting potatoes in containers. It correlates with a lot of the reading I've done on the subject and I also learned that you shouldn't re-use the dirt from year to year, or plant anything else in your potato soil, just in case of potato blight or any other problems...Enjoy the video while I go procrastinate some more about everything else! :)


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