Thursday, April 11, 2013

Busy Little Bee

There is a lot going on at the "Green Thumb Estate" We officially started building the new fence yesterday. Having rented a one man post hole digger for the Mr. to use for the 18 fence poles we need to place. We got to work (well, HE got to work) and drilled all the holes.

I also noticed the peas that I planted on St. Patrick's day have started peaking out of the dirt. Along with quite a lot of my winter sown plants in their containers. Especially the collard greens, and Kale.

The area where I planted my tomatoes last year, (and left the plants sit over the winter-causing a few small 'maters that were left to fall into the dirt & spend the winter there) has started sprouting a TON of little tomato plants. More than I will need this year! (I will be taking some and putting into starter pots to see if they survive and get big enough I may just give them to family and friends for their yards)

I also have a row of hybrid willow trees along the back of my property, that I trimmed last fall and tossed into a bucket of water, which also just sat all winter, with at least a half a dozen rooted cuttings to plant into that fence line, filling in where some didn't make it last year.

The chicken coop has gotten a first coat of paint on the body of the building (not the trim yet-will tackle that soon) 
I am also happy to see that my RedBud trees are nicely budded up, as well as my lilac bush, and will be blooming soon! My pussy willow tree is in full bloom, and covered with honey bees, collecting pollen. (Always happy to support out bee population!)


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