Thursday, April 4, 2013

Chicken Obsessed

I'm starting to feel like I've become obsessed with my chickens...I keep taking pictures of them. I love the new camera I got on Valentine's day, a Nikon D3100, and any excuse to use it is fine with me!

I keep scarring the poo out of the poor babies when I stick my hand in the cage to clean shavings out of their water, or provide them with more food. The other day I had to take them all out to give them fresh bedding & OH BOY did I scare them that day! I have this little metal rainbow color fence-type thing that I bought when my daughter had a guinea pig, so it could run around on the floor, that I put out for them to run on in my living room while I cleaned. This fence doesn't stand very tall, in fact the roost in their cage is higher than this fence is, & I was SURE that they'd just jump over it & run all over the house...(not a big deal, except for cleaning up chicken poo from the rug!) Only 1 chicken DID jump over the fence, and then she freaked out because she wasn't inside with all her friends, and proceeded to run around the outside in circles trying to find a way back in! It was very cute!

This set of chicks seem a lot more skittish than the Brahmas were...I miss them dearly even only after having them a few weeks! They would have been great ladies when they grew up! I am sure these Rhode Island Reds will be too, but the Brahmas seemed more people-friendly. I could envision the Brahmas come running TO me when I would enter their run in the future, not running away, as I'm afraid these ones will. I am working hard to make them like me, but I'm sure I'm still kind of a big scary giant to them, especially when trying to pick them up.

They DO eat out of my hand now, so that is an improvement, but they still dislike being handled.

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