So I am going to turn to Google before I try again.
So, here is what I have found out from various places.
Broccoli likes a neutral ph soil. around a 7. on the PH scale. Allow about 18 inches in spacing between plants.
- In cold climates, start your seeds indoors about 6 weeks before the last frost. OR direct sew 1 month before the last frost.
- In warm climates you can direct sow the seeds in the spring.
- If you are transplanting a live plant, you can plant it up to 1 inch deeper than it was in its container.
Keep your plant well watered and it will grow nicely.
Broccoli is susceptible to certain pests such as the cabbage looper, cabbage worm, and cabbage root maggot.
Don't wait until your broccoli has a large head to harvest like at the store, most varieties of broccoli do not form large heads, only select breeds do. Your plant can be harvested about 45 days from planting. (from seed-so if you buy a live plant, subtract some time) If you try to wait for a large head like at the grocery, you risk your plant flowering. If you cut the head with 4" of stalk remaining, more heads will start to grow.
These are all basic tips. For more in depth tips visit
Ah! So maybe I was waiting for the head to reach a size it was never going to reach. I also wondered because it doesnt make sense to buy a plant to tend and water for a whole season only to get one head off it. It's cheaper to buy it at the store.