Thursday, April 18, 2013

Progress on the Chicken Coop

Today more progress was made on the chicken coop. Admittedly, we haven't touched it much in the last week or so...I have put some paint on, but not all, as we hadn't even had all the panels attached yet.
So today's post will be mostly photo-graphical.
To look at our previous work on the coop click here.

Today we put the back on, which consisted of 6 pieces. 2 of which were doors. One for ventilation, one for cleaning. 

The lower door opens all the way up for ease of cleaning the coop.

This is the upper door, which will provide venting in the hot months.

Next we cut out the space for the nesting boxes. 
Built the nesting boxes, and attached to the exterior of the coop. 

The interior of the coop as seen from the front windows 
(which still need to be closed up)
At dusk, so the green roof is letting in plenty of light. 

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