Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Ever the Deal Seaker

My house is in a perpetual state of construction...at least if feels that way!
With building the chicken coop, building the raised beds, and other things INSIDE the house breaking and needing fixed. I should know better than to go to the home store...today we went to get the material I'd hoped to purchase over the weekend, and when we got there we discovered a "black Friday again" sale on the material to build privacy fence, which we'd discussed doing a few times in the past. Since we have our tax refund, we decided to go ahead and get it.

It feels good to get one more project that has been on your mind checked off the list.

Once the lumber was purchased, we headed home to figure out where the holes would need to be dug, and all that good stuff. 
I also currently have a black, wrought Iron LOOK fence, that I will be re-locating to enclose my raised bed garden area once the new fence is done.
Yet another project I will be posting pictures of for your enjoyment! 

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